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Neueste MB6-898-Dumps für Microsoft Dynamics 365 für Talent

Feb 21,2019
MB6-898-Prüfung ist ein hei?er Microsoft-Zertifizierungstest. Wenn Sie sich auf die MCSA-Prüfung MB6-898 vorbereiten, stellt Testpassport Ihnen die neuesten MB6-898-Dumps zur Verfügung, mit denen Sie Ihre Microsoft Dynamics 365-Prüfung erfolgreich bestehen k?nnen.

Sie haben 120 Minuten, um den Test abzuschlie?en. Und es gibt ungef?hr 42 Fragen. Der beste Tipp ist, die Frage einmal zu lesen, dann die erste Antwort zu beantworten, bei der Sie das Gefühl haben, dass sie richtig ist. Dann lesen Sie die Frage noch einmal und lesen Sie dann Ihre Antwort. Sie müssen 700 Punkte erhalten, um bestanden zu werden. Das entspricht ungef?hr 70%.

F?higkeit Gemessen in der Prüfung MB6-898

Sie müssen sich mit den in der Prüfung getesteten F?higkeiten vertraut machen. Sie sollten die Liste auf der Prüfungsseite lesen und sich für die Prüfung anmelden.

Die Prüfung misst Ihre F?higkeit, die unten aufgeführten technischen Aufgaben zu erfüllen:
Understand the Dynamics 365 for Talent Environment (25 - 30%)
Manage the Attract and Recruiting Processes (25 - 30%)
Configure and Use the Onboarding, Offboarding, and Transition Processes (20 - 25%)
Set Up and Use the Talent Application (25 - 30%)

Wer sollte diese MB6-898-Prüfung ablegen?

Kandidaten für diese Prüfung sind Microsoft Dynamics 365-Partner, die die Anwendungsfunktionalit?t in Microsoft Dynamics 365 für Talent einrichten und verwenden und die Anwendung unterstützen. Diese Prüfung eignet sich auch für Vertriebsmitarbeiter, die über Hintergrundwissen in Gesch?ftsl?sungen verfügen und das Funktionsverst?ndnis der Anwendung Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent demonstrieren m?chten.

Die Bewerber sollten in der Regel über umfassende Kenntnisse des Human Capital Managements, des Personalmanagements und der Erfahrung bei der Bereitstellung, Pflege und Verwendung von Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent verfügen.

Nachfolgend finden Sie einige Fragen und Antworten zu den MB6-898-Prüfungen:

You have identified three candidates to advance to the Screening stage in the Attract modular app.
Which two actions are supported by the major features in the Screening stage? Each correct answer presents a complete solution
A. obtain salary requirements
B. contact candidate‘s references
C. schedule an interview
D. enter candidate feedback
Answer: CD

You are the HR director for a company that uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent.An organizational change is made, and the accounts payable administrator must report to a new accounts payable. Which form should be used to define this new relationship?
A. Positions
B. Jobs
C. Employees
D. Workers
Answer: C

After going through the application process with a job candidate, you are ready to make an offer to the candidate.
The candidate is now in the Offer stage of the Attract modular app, and you need to set the offer status appropriately.
 If the offer has been extended but the candidate has not yet responded, which status is appropriate?
A. Accepted
B. Preparing
C. Hiring process
D. Active application
Answer: C

When you pull up an applicant’s profile .n the Attract app, you notice that the Documents tab is missing the ADD button.
Why is the button missing?
A. A document has previously been uploaded.
B. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent does not accept PDF files.
C. The profile is complete due to missing contact information.
D. The status of the applicant is closed
Answer: A

Your company recently completed reorganization. As a consequence, many job functions were modified.
You need to look at the previous job function for a specific job.
Which action should you perform?
A. Click Changes timeline and select View changes.
B. Click Edit on the Job form and select As of date
C. Click Changes timeline and select Position actions.
D. Click Edit on the Job form and view changes.
Answer: A

You are sending out an email to a candidate using Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent
You want to send the candidate an interview confirmation.
Which two items are included m the email by default? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
A. the name of each interviewer
B. the link to select dates
C. the time set for each interviewer
D. the title of the job
Answer: AB

You want to manually add a new applicant for a job created within the Attract modular app for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent.
Which two data fields must you input in order to create a profile for the job candidate? Each correct answer presents a part of the solution.
A. URL to their LinkedIn profile
B. Home or work phone number
C. Email address
D. Name
Answer: AD

You are managing a new job using the online version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Talent.
You want to stay in communication with job candidates throughout the job selection process.
At which step can job candidates receive their first email from Dynamics 365 for Talent?
A. once the jot) applicant has been manually added to the job
B. once a job applicant is assigned to the Pending stage
C. once a job applicant is advanced to the Interview stage
D. once a job applicant has been advanced to the Screening stage
Answer: B
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