Anzahl der Fragen: 60 Punkte mit Multiple-Choice- und Kurzantwort-Fragen
Dauer: Zwei Stunden
Bestehende Punktzahl: 68%
Testzentrum: Pearson VUE
Prüfungsgebühr: 180 USD
Die folgenden Inhalte werden in den Prüfungsthemen des SAS Institute A00-240 behandelt.
Lineare Regression-20%
Logistische Regression - 25%
Bereiten Sie Eingaben für die prädiktive Modellleistung vor - 20%
Modellleistung messen - 25%
Die aktualisierte Version von Statistical Business Analys A00-240 Exam Dumps ist das beste Material, um den Test zu beenden. Teilen Sie einige SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst mit SAS 9: Regression und Modellierung Anmeldeinformationen A00-240 Prüfungsdumps unten.
1.In order to perform honest assessment on a predictive model, what is an acceptable division between training, validation, and testing data?
A. Training: 50% Validation: 0% Testing: 50%
B. Training: 100% Validation: 0% Testing: 0%
C. Training: 0% Validation: 100% Testing: 0%
D. Training: 50% Validation: 50% Testing: 0%
Answer: D
2.A confusion matrix is created for data that were oversampled due to a rare target.What values are not affected by this oversampling?
A. Sensitivity and PV+
B. Specificity and PV?
C. PV+ and PV?
D. Sensitivity and Specificity
Answer: D
3.An analyst has a sufficient volume of data to perform a 3-way partition of the data into training, validation, and test sets to perform honest assessment during the model building process.What is the purpose of the training data set?
A. To provide an unbiased measure of assessment for the final model.
B. To compare models and select and fine-tune the final model.
C. To reduce total sample size to make computations more efficient.
D. To build the predictive models.
Answer: A